I usually started meetings with compliments and by the time we were finished signing the contract the actor was convinced that they couldn’t so much as breathe without me. Questions?” I was being harsh, which was not normal for me.
I make sure you keep an impeccable reputation during filming, show you how to make the people love you-and I do mean love you-and if I do a good job, which I will, we’ll renegotiate for higher pay, which you’ll happily agree to, so we’ll sign on the dotted lines and be a match made in PR heaven. “Okay, so this is how it’s going to work. “I didn’t get it.” I sighed and opened the folder. “Arrogant self-absorbed actors are my specialty.” How was that possible? “What type is that?” “So.” Reid leaned his forearms against the table, his muscles glistening under the fluorescent lights. If I was paid for how many times I said, “They’re being treated for exhaustion,” I’d be a millionaire. He didn’t seem violent either, or aggressive, but then again, what did I know? I’d had to lie plenty of times to protect my actors from the press. He didn’t seem like he’d be a diva actor who needed babysitting on the weekends because he’d decided to fly to the South of France for the weekend, get drunk, then miss his call time. Insulting the client wasn’t part of the plan-in fact, the entire plan went to hell the minute my brain recognized the guy from the bar the night before. I nodded as Ella and Ren exited the room. This was my job, and regardless of how I looked, I could do my job.

What? Because I looked like I’d been the unlucky recipient of swine flu? No, thanks. I assume you’re able to do that now, Jordan, or did you want to reschedule?”

“So we’ll just let you two discuss the details of the contract. “Ha-ha.” Ren laughed uncomfortably, breaking the silent stare-down Reid and I were having. His lips twitched with a suppressed smirk. Not that it mattered, since it seemed like he could read my thoughts. “Reid, hmm, what an interesting name.” Isn’t that something that grows out of algae-infested water? That’s what I wanted to say, but because I needed him as a client, I refused to comment further. “Reid.” Ella coughed from her end of the table. I shifted in my seat and shot him a glare. Handsome rolled my name around on his tongue like he wanted to take a taste. An Unlikely Husband Series: Book One: A Taste of Seduction(Francie & Alexander’s story) Book Two: A Touch of Seduction: a novella (Ariana & Jason’s story) Book Three: A Scent of Seduction(Julia & Jon’s story) Book Four: A Breath of Seduction(Sophie & Holt’s story) Book Five: A Dash of Seduction(Madeline & Douglas’s story) Bonus Material: Included in this eBook is a sample of A Touch of Seduction, An Unlikely Husband, Book 2.I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Unfortunately, not everyone wishes to see a union between Francie and Alexander, and they will stop at nothing to keep this couple apart. Indeed, they have nothing in common but an undeniable desire for one another they can’t ignore, and an ailing “father” who will employ any means to bring them together. He believes in keeping a safe distance from anything that resembles an emotion. She believes in love, second chances, and happily ever after. He won’t loosen his cravat unless the bedroom door is firmly closed. Book excerpt: Love and Betrayal…Regency style A young woman of noble blood, raised as a peasant girl… An orphaned stable boy, now grown and the surrogate son of a powerful earl-the same earl who just so happens to be the young woman’s father… Francie Jordan and Alexander Bishop have nothing in common-she runs barefoot and talks to animals. This book was released on with total page 327 pages.

Book Synopsis A Taste of Seduction by : Mary Campisiĭownload or read book A Taste of Seduction written by Mary Campisi and published by Mary Campisi Books, LLC.